The LegacyKit Is An Empowering "Time Capsule" For The Messages, Stories and Memories You Wish To Leave Behind Someday, And Provides Deep Motivation For Your Life Ahead
"You have a thriving life to live, a special story to tell, valuable wisdom to share, and everlasting love to someday leave behind."
Bobby Vincench, Creator of Your Thriving Legacy
There's nothing any of us can do about it. We are all going to leave this life someday. And many of us are not thriving while we're here. We are complacent, we are conforming, we are not living as though we'll be gone someday.
When the end of your journey n this world arrives, you may find yourself asking:
What did I do while I was here?
Do I have regrets?
Did I waste this gift of life I was given?
Did I thrive every single day?
The LegacyKit is like a time capsule for your life. It's an "insurance policy" for the messages you wish to leave behind.
A special gift for loved ones when you're gone someday. And a powerful opportunity to live an better, more intentional life.
The LegacyKit was designed by an experienced certified confidence coach to inspire people to contemplate their future legacy so they can live a better life today.
Everything you or a loved one needs to reflect on their life today and create a powerful collection to leave behind in the future... It's all here.
And should you need support or guidance along the way, every LegacyKit comes with coaching to help you with whatever it is you may need.
It's time to capture the essence of your life and legacy, while you're here and still have the opportunity to do so.
Detailed Guidebook: Thorough instructions, coaching and guidance
Personalized Support: One-time 1:1 private coaching session for 1 hour
Content For Confidence: Digital video series supporting your journey
2 Elegant Pens: For writing your notes, thoughts, letters, and more
Mini Journal Book: For your notes, thoughts, letters, and more
Legacy Box: This very box may be used temporarily to store items
Bobby Vincench, Creator of Your Thriving Legacy
"You have a thriving life to live, a special story to tell, valuable wisdom to share, and everlasting love to someday leave behind. Don't miss your chance to do so, and to find new inspiration and motivation in your life while you're still here."
Our Clients Are Living More Thriving Lives
And Working Toward Their Thriving Legacies:
Aric J. (Client)
Gio S. (Client)
Michael G. (Client)
Cassie G. (Client)
Patricia L. (Client)
Annamaria G. (Client)
This powerful and thoroughly-crafted LegacyKit package and the Your Thriving Legacy coaching programs are truly powerful ways to live with more intention, clarity and confidence.
When you invest in yourself or a loved one with the Your Thriving Legacy coaching program or our LegacyKit, you should only do so with confidence that what we offer is right for the you or the recipient. We know the power of capturing one's legacy for their own peace and that of their loved ones. If you do too, then you can make this investment with confidence.
WE DO NOT ACCEPT RETURNS OR PROVIDE REFUNDS. All sales are final, and we provide all the support and guidance needed to achieve living and capturing one's amazing legacy. Please purchase ONLY once you are ready to bless someone with this truly unique opportunity to THRIVE in life and in legacy.
The specific process of creating a LegacyKit Collection is broken up into 30 sections inside the printed Guidebook that comes inside the box. If you were to complete one section of the Guidebook per day, every day... you would complete your Legacy Collection in about 30 days. This would require consistency and devotion. Or you could take your time with it and it would take longer.
Depending on your familiarity with some tools and technology, and your willingness to be honest with yourself and others about your life, ideas and memories... this journey of creating a LegacyKit Collection is designed to be as "easy" as possible, with the tools you need explained in detail, as well as easy-to-follow guidelines in the Guidebook.
For someone who can use some extra assistance beyond the included coaching session(s), they could enlist the assistance of a loved one to help create and organize some or all of the content (this is also a great way to connect deeper with the person who helps you). Either way, whoever is involved will have all the guidance they need inside the LegacyKit's included Guidebook, as well as the virtual coaching session(s).
This is not possible. Everyone has a special story to tell, valuable wisdom to share, and everlasting love to leave behind. The LegacyKit will guide you through all the essentials you need to reflect upon your life, contemplate your legacy, and put it all together.
Everyone has a worthy legacy. You are here, you have existed, and you are worthy of leaving something special behind.